Pages: 64
Size: 6x9
God has a purpose for your life. You are important and meant to serve others through a spiritual journey. This three-week program pairs students with a mentor for prayer and reflection, exploring stories of people in the Bible who faced similar struggles. By engaging with their stories, your teens will discover their true identity in Christ and their place in God's plan. This experience will help young people realize their worth, find their place of belonging, and grow in confidence as they learn to live out their faith authentically.
Pray21 has been used in over 90 nations by thousands of churches to transform the lives of students and their adult mentors as well. Take advantage of this special offer and discover what 21 days of praying with youth will do for your entire congregation.
QUANTITY: 1 = 24 Books for $24
God has a purpose for your life. You are important and meant to serve others through a spiritual journey. This three-week program pairs students with a mentor for prayer and reflection, exploring stories of people in the Bible who faced similar struggles. By engaging with their stories, your teens will discover their true identity in Christ and their place in God's plan. This experience will help young people realize their worth, find their place of belonging, and grow in confidence as they learn to live out their faith authentically.
Pray21 has been used in over 90 nations by thousands of churches to transform the lives of students and their adult mentors as well. Take advantage of this special offer and discover what 21 days of praying with youth will do for your entire congregation.
QUANTITY: 1 = 24 Books for $24
Pages: 64
Size: 6x9